Sunday, November 8, 2020

Moving Forward


Taking it one step at a time

As we continue to venture forward through the mire of the illusion that most call reality, I am continually reminded of the need to stay grounded, and let go of anything that doesn't serve to lift me up any longer. It's been going on seven months now since I lost my buddy, and I am finally starting to feel somewhat normal again. Additionally, I am slowly doing my best to remember that sometimes things need to happen in society to help wake humanity up. This "pandemic" situation is one of those events. My hope is that one day in the future we can all look back on this time in the world and laugh at how silly, and ridiculous we were by letting the illusion continue for as long as we did.


Staying occupied

As it happens, I finally found a job in the field that I was trained in, and have a degree for. So far, I am enjoying the work, as it helps to occupy my mind, and keep me busy aware from the house, so I don't think about past losses, and how I feel. From time to time though, I still have "one of those days", and I have to allow myself to continue to feel the emotions as they come. If I deny my feelings, they would destroy me from the inside out. So, please remember this if you happen to be dealing with anything in your own life. Denying your emotions the space they need to be expressed could drag one down to the lowest of places in life. Honor yourself, and do what you can to let the emotions flow when they need to. 

More posts to come

I will do my best to start posting on a more regular basis again to keep you posted on what is happening with me. I hope, as I have said in the past, that the topics that I discuss here are worth your time, and bring you some insight, even if it's only a bit, into what life is, and how it can be. Every one of us is different, and as I express myself through these posts, I hope they help in some way to move you forward on your path.