Sunday, August 14, 2022

Hind Sight

 Taking Perspective


   Looking At The Path Behind Me

    I have spent the past almost seven months now in the midwest, because I was moved here for a job, which I no longer have. Being here, and needing to navigate the path I am on, has been overwhelming, stressful, and challenging all at the same time. I am usually pretty good at paying attention to my intuition, but even though I believed I was being led to come here, it really was not the next right step for me to take. Additionally, I am still dealing with my loss, and trying to work through that. There is an old saying.. "Hind Sight Is Always 20/20". I am not sure if I totally agree with that, but knowing what I know now, and seeing how this move has been overly stressful, and not supportive, leads me to believe that as long as I pay attention to  my hind sight, I will learn the lesson that I need to. 


   Still Planning On Going "Home" 

    As I plan on moving back to wear I moved up from, I am facing new challenges of a unique kind in finding a job, and a place to live in the area that I want to one day settle down in. I am confident that I will get this task completed, but not sure exactly how long it will take to get back. I don't have any desire to remain where I am currently staying, but I know that everything happens for a reason, and it usually happens in "divine timing" which I like to believe is perfect. However, as human nature goes, I am anxious and ready to be back "home" in the mountains, and enjoying all that that affords me to do. Once I get back, I don't plan to uproot myself again, unless something extremely important happens on my path. However, I will do all I can to take it one step at a time. 


    Not Happy

    The longer I stay in the area I am currently in, the more "empty", and numb I seem to feel. I'm not sure if it's being in the geographical location, or dealing with my life circumstances as they continue to unfold. All I can do is trust the process and make the choices I want to when opportunities present themselves. 


    That's all I have for this time. Until next time, remember to be true to yourself, and trust your intuition. It will never steer you wrong.