Friday, May 29, 2020

Where from here

I wanted to put something "down on paper" as it were, to see if there is any specific direction this blog wants to go. I know when I originally started it, I intended it to be more of a sounding board of what is going on out in the "real" world, and how I see those experiences. But, I have now shared with you a couple of more personal posts, which I did not foresee happening when I started this.

So, this is your chance to let me know what you think, give me suggestions, or help this blog develop into something new and unique.

I'm not 100% sure where I would like this blog to venture to, but I am open to letting it develop into something more then just a sounding board of my frustrations and grieving of life experiences. What would that look like? That's a good question. I am a writer, and a poet, but I do not necessarily want this to be a repository for my works of writing.

I guess we could all take the journey on this path and just see where it goes. However in the interim, I will continue to write about personal/world happenings until such time as we all see where this blog is heading.

So, since I posted the blog yesterday, nothing earth shattering has happened, and there has not been anything "new" news worthy to report on that I am aware of. That said, I do not watch news or pay attention to any of the propaganda on the zombie box. In fact, I do not subscribe to any television services at all. Free or paid. I am a big movie watcher though, and I'm missing going to the theater to see the next big blockbuster because of all of this crazy azz BS that the world is being programmed to believe. Of curse, I am talking about the covid19 situation. If there is anything that I am waiting for, it's the opportunity to go see a first run movie on the big screen again.
Before I get to deep into the mire of the current times we are living in, I'll stop talking about it now.
One movie that I was not able to see when it came out was Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. Now, I'm not a huge Star Wars nerd, but I do love my sci-fi genre. So, I am looking forward to seeing that once I can rent it on DVD, or when I just break down and buy it. I don't like just running right out and buying movies without watching them first though, but again, in the times we are in, even redbox is not working "as normal". I have yet to see the new Star Wars movie available in my local redbox machine. I'm sure I'll see it at some point in the near future.

I suppose that's enough for today. Something else for those of you who may be reading these blogs regularly to think about and let me know is do you want to see something new every day? Or, maybe once a week, or twice a week. So, feel free to post a little blurb below in the comments to let me know about this as well.

Until next time,

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Finding The Silver Lining

Finding the rainbow in times of #loss can be a challenge. Especially when you have lost someone, or something that seems to have made your life complete. However, at the end of the grieving process, things start to slowly, VERY slowly, start to look positive once again.

As I am beginning to emerge from the cave of sorrow, things are starting to look bright once again. I am slowly starting to smile, slowly "caring" about what happens in the world again, and slowly, ever so slowly, getting used to the idea of my buddy not being here, on this plane of existence to share his life with me any more. I still have my good days and my not so good days, but I do my best to trust the process and let the healing, regardless of how long it may take, take it's course.

Getting to the point of feeling "normal" once again is a chore, and it will be some time before I am able to honestly say that I feel "normal". However, every day is an opportunity for me to get out into the world, even during these crazy times, and practice being a human being once again. For those of you who may have lost a beloved pet, you understand where I am coming from. For those that do not understand how attached to your heart an animal can be, give it time. One day there will be one that you feel is more family then just a "pet".

As I continue to journey down this path, stay tuned to learn more about where I will end up once I get a position in the radio industry, which is what my degree is in. In the mean time, I am taking every day one step at a time, and being as gentle with myself as I can. It's not easy, but I'm doing my best.

Until next time,