Sunday, July 24, 2022


                                Grieving Again


Time to heal some more

It has been two years and almost four months now since I lost my buddy, and I am still healing. I did find a "new" cat that I took on for about a year, but, I surrendered her today to the local shelter because I am still not ready. I originally took her because she looked exactly like the Christed Buddha. But, she wasn't him, and that took me a little while to learn. So, now I am alone again, and I am not looking for another kitty until I have fully grieved and really feel I am ready for another pet. 


Working on getting back "home"

Also, I am now living in the Midwest part of the country, and as they say hind sight is always 20/20, I am now seeing that the move was one of the worst decisions I have made as of late. My intent was to be closer to family, but that "reason" didn't pan out like I thought it would. 


Stay tuned

So, that's about all I had to say this time, and I will do what I can to post again soon. My intent is to get back to the south as soon as I can, but it is proving more challenging then I thought it would be. However, I will continue my forward movement.

Until next time,


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