Monday, August 3, 2020

Month Number Four Processing Loss

I know it's been a bit since I posted anything, and I want to say sorry about that. However, I enjoy posting blogs for you, and I want to continue to do this as long as I am able.

Still dealing with loss
As you can see from the pic for this post, I am still dealing with the loss of my buddy. I had a breakthrough the week before last, and I was thinking to myself, "I'm finally done with grieving". As it turns out, that was just a short respite from the daily loss that I was dealing with. I am doing better, but apparently, not quiet finished with the entire grieving process just yet.

Working on something else
I wasn't really planning on doing this particular blog, as I am working on another one that I believe you will all find enlightening, and informative. But, as things have happened, I wanted to post this just to touch base, and to share the video I have posted below for your viewing. It's number two for me in the processing I am going through to remember, and memorialize my lil buddy.

Feel free to comment
As always, feel free to share any thoughts that may come up below, and I appreciate your support. Also, if your going through a loss of your own, whether it be a pet or someone else, do your best to be gentle with yourself, and allow the process to take the time it needs. For me, it's going on four months now, and according to the book I discussed in one of my previous posts, Soul Comfort For Cat Lovers, the grieving process can take as long as a year to complete. However, also remember that everyone is different and unique.


Until we meet again,

1 comment:

  1. There is no time limit for grieving. Every has there own way and pace.


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