Sunday, July 19, 2020

Covid 19 information for your review

I wanted to take a moment today and share factual information with everyone with links, and information that you can research on your own. Here we go...

My stance on covid
As you well know if you are a regular follower of mine, I do NOT buy into the "propaganda" being spread by the main stream media about covid 19, and what is actually happening. In fact, I do what I can to help spread truth, and facts about what is happening, and why. To that end, I will share what I know about what is going on, and hopefully, provide you with enough information to learn the specifics about this obviously politically based situation.

On masks
Lets take a look at the mask situation first. If surgical masks worked as well as the main stream media, and the CDC says they do for keeping viruses out, why would mask manufacturers need to put something on their web site stating the opposite, as you can see from this picture. As I always try to do, I invite you to go to the web site, and read the article for yourself. They specifically point out that because of the size of the virus particles, and how they are to small for a surgical mask, or any type of mask to keep out, masks don't work. 


The Hydroxychloroquine issue
Next, lets talk about the medicine that a lot of people are advocating for, Hydroxychloroquine. As you can see from the picture below, CNN stated themselves that this drug actually helps in the treatment of "covid 19", and has no ill side effects, which is what they were reporting before. Ask yourself this question, if there is already a "cure" that can be used to help curb this so called "pandemic", why is the main stream media insisting that this situation is "dire", and continuing to spout the propaganda to the masses about it's effects on the world? Again, I invite you to visit the site, and read the information for yourself.

FL is baking the numbers
Next, we will delve into the errors that the Florida health department admitted to knowing about. As you can see from the twitter account screen capture below, one Amy Kaufeldt of Fox35 in Orlando shared information stating that the numbers had been extremely skewed in Florida to reflect a positive result in ALL of the covid 19 testing. Now, WHY would Florida want more positive cases being shown on the books then negative? Does this have anything at all to do with the political convention scheduled for the state? One can only speculate.

Dr. Kellies stance
Finally, I submit to you this video by one Dr. Kelly Victory, whom explains the details about the corona virus, and it's impacts. I invite you to watch the entire thing, and afterwords, do your own research to verify her information.

Do your homework
With all of this information out there for anyone to research, and obtain facts with, one has to wonder what the main stream media, or the big pharma corporations have to gain by bold face lying to the public about this so called "pandemic". Ask yourself that question.... what exactly does the "powers that want to be" have to gain from keeping everyone stuck at home, and believing the official narrative? I hope I have provided more then enough information for you here to research for yourself, and learn more about the world we currently live in.

Until next time I leave you with this quote: If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within. - James Madison


  1. Excellent Dan, and great video. This helps restore my sanity. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad to help in restoring your sanity Linda. 👍

  2. Government lol. That's all I can say.


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