Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Current State Of Our Planet

This image is brought to you thanks to Jordan Sather - 

I wanted to do a blog today on the current state of the world. As you can see by the pic, we will be touching on the topic of covid 19.

What are we being told to believe?
As many of us continue to navigate through the place we are on the planet right now, I'm sure there are more then just a few of you who may feel frustrated, and maybe even down right angry at the way our "leaders" have been handling this so called "pandemic". Since the start of this situation, I have been skeptical at best, of how things have been handled, and I've also been slow to accept the "official narrative" as it seems like there are way to many holes in it when you actually do the research. For example, one of the potential treatments of the "virus" is hydroxychloroquine. You may already be saying to yourself, "Oh cmon Dan, that was "debunked", and the main stream "news" told me that it doesn't work. Hang on a sec... If this was the case, why did CNN post something recently stating that "A study finds that hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival"? I mean, if it's a cut and dry case of this treatment not working AT ALL, why the need to post another article, after the fact, that defends it's use as a treatment? There are other examples, which I will leave to you to find, but that is one of the main ones in the "news" recently.

Is it as bad as they say?
Also, if this "pandemic" is so bad, why are there not hundreds of thousands of people dying all over the planet. When a government uses the word "pandemic", what do you think of? The black plague, maybe cholera? These are obvious world changing actual pandemic situations. However, the covid 19 situation has been far from anything even close to this. At best, the worst cases have killed just a few hundred people, and seems more like a hard flu then anything else.

Lockdowns don't work
Keeping all this in mind, our so called "leaders" have stuck to their guns when it comes to locking down certain communities, and even entire states. One of which I live in, which is still "locked down". According to a study done by a Stanford professor, locking communities down is one of the worst things that could have been done. He says, "Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives." So, as you can see by what this professor is saying, our "leaders" not only ruined the economy, at the time, for a fictitious "pandemic", but they also started the domino effect of starvation of some 1.1 BILLION people across the planet. Let that sink in for a moment. Why would our leaders, the people elected to represent us, and care for our wellness, want to cause something that would cause a billion of us on the planet to starve to death?! This is the part where that critical thinking comes in from a couple blogs back. At any rate, something just doesn't add up with everyone being told to "stay home and stay safe", when it ends up killing those being told to "stay safe". Don't even get me started on the "face covering" propaganda. That situation has so many holes in it, I'll trust you to take the steps on your own to learn more about how insanely ineffective masks of this type are for filtering out germs, and "viruses". To learn mroe about what the professor at Stanford said, follow the link.

Who is making the money right now?
Finally we will touch on the overall financial situation of this "pandemic". Take a moment, and think about who, specifically, would be benefiting from a situation like we are currently in. Take your time, go ahead... think.... think.... ok, now, who did you come up with? Obviously the first group that should have come to you is big pharma. You and I both know that the corporate pharmaceutical companies are only out to do one thing, and it's NOT to keep you healthy. It's to make money! Next, who do we have? Who owns big pharma? Well, actually, you need not look any further than Washington DC. A quote from drugwacth.com states, "Big Pharma contributes heavily to the annual budget of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Big Pharma does this through application fees (user fees) for its new products." Of course, big pharma is also getting a ton of money from all the masks that are being sold. So, as you can see, this "pandemic" goes way deeper than anyone would have imagined, and involves a lot of heavy hitters as far as investers who want to make money off of it goes. You can read more about big pharma, and it's powerful corruption here - Big Pharma and Medical Device Manufacturers
Will humanity ever wake up?!
In the end, HOPEFULLY humanity will wake up to the facts of this situation, and wonder WTF it was thinking giving so much power to the governors of their states that ended up telling them what they can and can not do with their own lives.

I will leave you with this quote, which has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson. "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. the world "leadership" needs a definite overhaul. but first we need to find out who or what this leader is.


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