Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What Direction Should This Blog Go?

As I have been sharing with you my life experiences and how I feel about the "pandemic", as it's called, that we are going through, I have pondered what direction I want this blog to go in.

Been thinking about a topic for a while
I've had this thought in the back of my head for some time, trying to choose what way I would like this blog to start going. I am enjoying the idea of sharing life experiences with you as I go through different chapters of my life. However, I don't want this blog to get to weighed down with heavy topics, like continuing to discuss loss and grief. At the same time, I want to be open to allowing this blog to develop into what it's meant to be.

I'm at a fork
So, as you can see by the picture for this particular blog post, I am at a fork in the road, and I would love to hear from you, my readers, on what direction ideas you may have. Should I continue to discuss the differing degrees of grief, and how to express those emotions safely, or maybe I can change the blog direction to be more of a "cat care" type of blog that I can share my past, and future, cat care tips and what I have found that works for me. Or, maybe I should take a totally different approach, and discuss something else completely.

Can this blog be useful?
Ideally I would like this blog to develop into one that is useful to it's readers, and has value. It could also be something that my followers can appreciate as a resource of sorts for information that may help, if the reader(s) is looking for some guidance on a specific topic.

Let me know your thoughts
So this is your chance as one of my current followers to help me develop this blog with your input into something that it will become for all the world to enjoy.

Let me know what ideas you have in the comments below.


1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing a good job. It's ok to have different topics, it shows various sides of you.


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