Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Two Universal Truths

My Buddy - The Christed Buddha

As we are going through these times of challenging uncertainty, there are two things that have been put onto my path recently. These two universal truths that are my ever present companion are change and loss.

As if being on this planet right now, and having to endure the times that we are in were not enough, some of us have had to endure more. I myself had to experience a loss of major proportions recently. An unexpected, and shocking situation that came out of nowhere. This experience was the necessity of putting my cat to sleep. Understand that this was not "just my pet". He was my buddy, my support, and my companion in life. I rescued him when I was living in Charlotte, over ten years ago, and we learned to live with one another relatively easily. He was in every part of my life, and as a veteran, helped me through more times than I can count because of my need to isolate sometimes from the civilian world.

It's been just over two weeks now since I had to let my buddy the Buddha go, and there are still emotions that come up for me to deal with. Again, in order to understand where I am coming from, you have to be able to know that a pet can sometimes be like a family member, or possibly something more. I sometimes thought that we may have even been soul family, and that I had a "clause" in my contract that I signed before I chose to manifest in this particular life time that said something to the effect that "you will find and care for one another to the best of your ability".

I have to say that I am still taken a back somewhat at the bond that I developed with my buddy. It's amazing to me to think that one can become so attached to an animal, which filled more space in my life then just being a pet.

So, as we all continue to maneuver through these times, remember that there may be those others out in society that have had to endure more hardship then you can understand at this particular time, and try and have a little compassion for them. As they may be very sad, and feel like their world is being unraveled before them.

Be safe, and remember to always question the "official narrative".

1 comment:

  1. Linda here again Dan, relating to everything you've said in this post. I agree that it's incomprehensible the degree to which we can become attached at the soul level to our animal companions. Again, I appreciate you writing about it. Thanks for being real and vulnerable. I think your strength comes right that place.


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