Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Moon

I thought I would change pace a little with this blog and talk about something fun and different. So, I have chosen to discuss the moon today, because I enjoy photographing it, this is my own personal pic above, and my buddy recently posted something about the stars on his blog. You can check him out, and subscribe here --

What Is The Moon?
Now, lets talk about the Moon. What IS the moon? How did the moon get there? Why do we only see one side of it? All good questions to ask. What the moon is, other then the obvious answer of being a satellite of the earth, has been the subject of conversations for many decades. Generally speaking, it seems to be basically a big chunk of what was left of the "big bang" when our galaxy was formed. Moon rocks were brought back from at least one of the Apollo missions. I'm not privy to what exactly NASA, and whoever funds them, found out when they studied the rocks. Suffice it to say, as of this writing, that humanity has not been made aware of what our scientists have found out about the moon rocks, and what their make up is. 

How Did It Get There?
How did the moon get to be in it's current orbit? From what I understand, once all of the material that makes the moon up cooled, it settled into an orbit around the earth. However, for reasons I'm not completely sure about, the moon does not rotate like the earth, thus, we earthlings only see one side of the moon, unless your an astronaut of some kind, and travel out past the moon to see the other side.

My Take On The Moon
I have always been drawn to the moon, which is why I enjoy taking photos of it when I can. I find it unique, and interesting because of all of the anomalies that it exhibits. For example, if the moon formed about the same time as the earth did, with the same kind of materials, why doesn't it rotate, or have an atmosphere? Also, why have we not been back to the moon since our early exploration missions? Did our government discover something up there that they don't want us knowing about? Are there beings of some kind that have occupied the moon, and told us not to come back? I'm just thinking out loud here, as it were.

At any rate, I will probably always enjoy looking at the moon, and studying it for as long as I'm on this blue ball. Feel free to comment below, and share your own information or questions about our one and only natural satellite.

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1 comment:

  1. Space is awesome. 2 of my favorite YouTube channels are scott manley and curious droid. They have a lot interesting things to say on the subject.


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